Saturday, November 22, 2008

Quantum GIS - PostGIS

I completely geeked out this morning and was goofing around with QGIS and postGIS.  Normally I do my shapefile-->postGIS loads from command-line.  I loaded Quantum GIS last night and found the "Import shapefiles to PostGreSQL" button.  That was too easy!

I work in an all-ESRI shop and this is a nice break, especially because I'm a PostgreSQL fan.  Perhaps one day, I'll actually get to use it professionally!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please give my company's MapDotNet UX Studio application a try. It has some features that are similar to Quantum. It is EASY to use to load shapefile data into PostGIS, ArcSDE and SQL Server 2008. And it is free. It is not open source, but free to use. It comes in our MapDotNet UX download which also includes our licensed products which you can try using the included trial license.